Mind-Body Resiliency Coaching


Are you ready to feel normal again even with chronic gastrointestinal symptoms and gain confidencefreedom and joy back in your life?

Do these phrases sound familiar?

  • Why did I have to get this chronic medical condition like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Reflux, Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's disease?
  • Why does my life have to be so hard?
  • I am anxious going to work and worrying about what will trigger me and how I will feel.
  • Why don’t I have any control of my life?
  • I don’t feel comfortable leaving my house to go to any social events. 
  • I can’t ever eat anything.
  • I feel overwhelmed most of the time and can't focus on anything else but my gut symptoms.
  • I have lost hope and joy.
  • I will never have a normal life.
  • No one understands or cares.

I can help you gain control of your life and stop these chronic debilitating symptoms.

As a gastroenterologist with over 15 years of clinical experience, I have worked with thousands of patients with a multitude of chronic gastrointestinal and liver conditions ranging from acid reflux, chronic abdominal pain, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's, Ulcerative Colitis, Fatty liver, obesity, and colon cancer. I know first hand how these conditions negatively impact your quality of life and can leave you feeling anxious, stressed and scared. You can spiral out of control, feeling even more depressed and hopeless. 

The good news is there is hope that you can live a more normal life. With you and so many thousand others in my mind, I created The Gut Healing Solution E-book so you can stop searching for answers on your own and gain control today. I cannot wait for you to read my 3 essential pillars for gut healing and begin to jumpstart your healing right away. Click here to gain access NOW.


Are you ready to commit to a new life where you are...

  Not feeling victim to your chronic gut symptoms.

  Stopping the chronic gut condition(s) from defining you.

✓  Stopping the overwhelm and stress of daily life including what you can eat, where you can go, or thinking about the nearest bathroom.

  Learning about how the mind and gut are interconnected and how to use these signals to work FOR you and your gut.

 Gaining confidence as you approach each day including your work and social commitments.

  Letting go of others expectations and committing to your own needs that are in alignment with gut healing.

  Setting appropriate boundaries with others to keep you in a calm state.

  Beginning to feel and look better.

  Having more freedom and choices to live your best life.


Yes! I'm ready! Book a FREE consultation call NOW.

The latest research shows that the mind and the gut are strongly connected through bi-directional signaling.

The more stressed you are, the more your gastrointestinal symptoms will flare and contribute to your decreased quality of life. Also when your gut symptoms are out of control, your brain will release powerful hormones and neurotransmitters that increase your brain’s stress response and amplify these negative symptoms. 

The unintentional consequences are that you exacerbate your chronic gastrointestinal symptoms by:

  • circulating more stress hormones and neurotransmitters,
  • reinforcing negative belief patterns,
  • amplifying pain neural pathways,
  • neglecting your own self-care,
  • choosing unhealthy foods which decrease the ability of your microbiome (AKA: gut flora) to function optimally and worsen your mood, emotions and behaviors. 

It is critical to understand this strong interplay of the mind and the gut so that you can gain control and live a more normal life again despite your gut issues.  

Through my Mind-Body Resiliency Program, you will learn:

  • What your default beliefs are that are amplifying your chronic gastrointestinal symptoms and how to change them once and for all.
  • How to process your feelings, emotions and sensations quickly through somatic and grounding exercises.
  • How to create boundaries and let go of others expectations so you can live intentionally with purpose and focus.
  • How to plan your day so that it aligns with your values and how you want to feel and look. 
  • How to calm your nervous system and retrain your brain to create new neural pathways of safety, calmness and presence. 
  • How to set and achieve goals that move you forward in your own gut healing journey.
  • How to optimize your eating so that you have control of your gut symptoms.
  • How to adopt self-care which is critical to releasing stored stress and trauma in the body and helps your body rest and repair itself.
Book my free consultation call now!

“As someone who has suffered with IBS, GERD, and gastritis for over a decade, I struggled for a long time to manage my symptoms.  While some medications and other treatments helped, I would still feel very anxious when experiencing a “flare up”, and that would exacerbate my symptoms. Dr. Cecilia Minano’s supportive and compassionate coaching helped me to recognize that I had the power to support myself, and handle my discomfort much more effectively.  By learning to be self-compassionate, using different tools to regulate my nervous system, and practicing empowering thoughts when I felt uncertain, I have been able to navigate my symptoms with much less anxiety.  I’m so pleased that she is sharing these tools with others that have digestive challenges and helping improve the quality of life for her clients.”

- K.F

 Frequently Asked Questions

Still Unsure?

I invite you to book an introductory 60 minute consultation call and see for yourself all that coaching can offer you. There is no pressure, no obligation, and it is 100% risk free. 

Now is the time to say yes to yourself and start to heal your gut.